Author: Borga, A.O.
Paper Title Page
FROAI2 All-optical Femtosecond Timing System for the Fermi@Elettra FEL 641
  • M. Ferianis, A.O. Borga, A. Bucconi, M. Predonzani, F. Rossi
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Italy
  • L. Pavlovič
    University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  FERMI@Elettra, a 4th generation light source under commissioning at Sincrotrone Trieste, is the first FEL facility to use an all-optical system for femtosecond timing and synchronization over the entire facility ranging from the photoinjector, linac, FEL and beamline endstations. The system is a unique combination of state-of-the-art femtosecond timing distribution based on pulsed and CW stabilized optical fiber links. We describe the details of this unique system and present the performance to date.  
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