Paper | Title | Page |
THPA02 | Two-dimensional Effects on the Behavior of the CSR Force In a Bunch Compression Chicane | 469 |
Funding: This work was supported by U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. The endeavor to reach higher brightness of electron bunches in the design of future FEL is seriously challenged by the CSR effect in magnetic bends. Extensive studies on the CSR effects have shown that the 1D approximation of the CSR force is valid for a wide parameter regime. However, as the bunch gets increasingly compressed in the compression process, the behavior of the CSR interaction force will be influenced by the evolution of the 2D bunch distribution. Here we explore this 2D effect using semi-analytical and numerical study of the retarded potentials for an evolving 4D Gaussian phase space distribution with initial energy chirp. We will present results of our systematic exploration of this two-dimensional effect. We will display the interesting dependence of the 2D CSR force on the initial horizontal emittance and uncorrelated energy spread around minimum bunch length, and show the comparison of these results with their 1D counterpart. Physical interpretation will also be discussed. |