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WEICLH2063 |
Ultra-Fast Harmonic Resonant Kicker Design for the MEIC Electron Circular Cooler Ring |
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- Y.L. Huang
IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
- J. Guo, R.A. Rimmer, H. Wang, S. Wang
JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
Electron cooling is essential for the proposed Medium energy Electron Ion Collider (MEIC) to attain low emittance and high luminosity. To achieve a very high electron beam current for bunched beam cooling in the future high luminosity upgrade, we adopt a circulator ring to reuse the electron bunches. The electron bunches will recirculate for 25 turns, thus the current in the ERL can be reduced by a factor of 25. An ultra-fast kicker is required for this circulator ring, with pulse width less than 2.1 ns and high repetition frequency. JLab started an LDRD proposal to develop such a kicker. Our approach is to generate a series harmonic mode with RF resonant cavities, thus every 25th bunch will be kicked while all the other bunches un-kicked. Here we present a design of a simplified prototype with every 10th bunch kicked, using 4 cavities to generate 10 harmonic modes. Cavity structure is optimized to get the highest shunt impedance, thus the total power dissipated on 4 cavities for copper material is only 87.72 W, two to three orders of magnitude lower than a strip-line kicker.
Slides WEICLH2063 [2.600 MB]
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