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TUIBLH2026 |
LHeC ERL Design and Beam-Dynamics Issues |
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- S.A. Bogacz
JLab, Newport News, Virgina, USA
- A. Latina, D. Schulte
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
- D. Pellegrini
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
The LHeC aims at delivering an electron beam for collision with the LHC proton beam. The current baseline design consists of a multi-pass superconductive energy recovery linac operating in a continuous wave mode. Here, we describe the overall layout of such ERL complex located on the LHC site. We present an optimized multi-pass linac optics enabling operation of the proposed 3-pass RLA in the Energy Recovery mode. We also describe emittance preserving return arc optics architecture; including layout and optics of the arc switch-yard. High current (>100 mA) beam operation in the linacs excites long range wake-fields between bunches of different turns, which induce instabilities and might cause beam losses. The impact of long-range wake-fields, synchrotron radiation, and beam-beam effects has been assessed in this paper.
Slides TUIBLH2026 [4.159 MB]
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