Author: Knobloch, J.
Paper Title Page
BERLinPro - A Demonstration Energy Recovery LINAC  
  • J. Knobloch
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin is constructing the Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro. The project is designed to explore the accelerator physics and develop the technology necessary for the design, construction and operation of large scale facilities such as a future synchrotron light source. The project goal is the generation of a 50-MeV high current (100 mA) electron beam with an emittance (normalized) below 1 mm mrad and a pulse length of 2 ps rms or less. The planning phase of the project is completed and the design phase of most of the components is finished with procurement under way. The construction of the building started in February 2015. The status of the various subprojects and planned activities will be given.
This talk is being given on behalf of the BERLinPro Project Team
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