Author: Gros, M.
Paper Title Page
TUICLH2032 Investigations on Transverse Beam Break Up Using a Recirculated Electron Beam* 30
  • T. Kürzeder, M. Arnold, M. Gros, F. Hug, L.E. Jürgensen, J. Pforr, N. Pietralla
    TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
  Funding: *Work supported by the BMBF through grant No. 05K13RDA
The recirculating superconducting accelerator S-DALINAC provides electron beams of up to 130 MeV for nuclear physics experiments at the University of Darmstadt since 1991. It consists of a 10 MeV injector and a 40 MeV main linac and reaches its final design energy using up to two recirculation paths. The superconducting main linac houses eight 20-cell SRF cavities operated at 3 GHz and 2 K. The very low threshold current of only a few μA for the occurrence of beam break up in addition with the recirculating linac design gives a unique opportunity to the ERL community for testing different strategies of avoiding beam break up experimentally at this accelerator and to benchmark beam dynamics simulations concerning this topic. To minimize the impact of HOMs on the recirculating electron bunches we will place skew quadrupole and sextupole magnets in our accelerator and test their effect on the threshold current. We will report on the status of beam dynamics simulations concerning their use in the accelerator and present actual calculations for the positioning of the skew quadrupoles. An outlook on the future activities at the S-DALINAC will be given.
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