Author: Milton, B.F.
Paper Title Page
MOPPT016 Configurable 1 MeV Test Stand Cyclotron for High Intensity Injection System Development 67
  • F.S. Labrecque, F.S. Grillet, B.F. Milton, L. AC. Piazza, W. Stazyk, S.L. Tarrant
    BCSI, Vancouver, Canada
  • J.R. Alonso, D. Campo
    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  • L. Calabretta
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • M.M. Maggiore
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  In order to study and optimize the ion source and injection system of our multiple cyclotron products, Best® Cyclotron Systems Inc. (BCSI) has assembled in its Vancouver office a 1 MeV cyclotron development platform. To accommodate different injection line configurations, the main magnet median plane is vertically oriented and rail mounted which also allows easy access to the inner components. In addition, the main magnet central region is equipped with interchangeable magnetic poles, RF elements, and inflector electrodes in order to replicate the features of the simulated cyclotrons. Multiple diagnostic devices are available to fully characterize the beam along the injection line and inside the cyclotron. This paper will describe the design of two system configurations: the 60 MeV H2+ for the DAEΔALUS experiment (MIT, BEST, INFN-LNS) and the BCSI 70 MeV H cyclotron.  
TUPSH009 Magnetic Field Mapping of the Best 70 MeV Cyclotron 239
  • F.S. Grillet, B.F. Milton
    BCSI, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • D.T. Montgomery
    Cedarflat Precision Inc., Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
  As is well known, the mapping of a cyclotron magnet presents several key challenges including requirements for a high degree of accuracy and difficult space constraints in the region to be measured. Several novel solutions were used to create the mapper for the Best 70 MeV cyclotron, which is based on an earlier version used to map the Best 14 MeV cyclotron. Based on a temperature compensated 3-Axis hall probe that is continuously sampled while the probe travels along a radial arm a high degree of positional accuracy is achieved by simultaneously sampling optical encoders located with the probe. A novel implementation using air bearings and air jets provides axial rotation of the arm with almost no metal parts. The mapper has achieved a full 360 degree map in 1 degree theta steps, and 2.5mm radial steps in 2 hours and 40 minutes, with a relative radial accuracy of ±0.02mm and angular accuracy of ±0.001 degrees. This paper will describe how the simultaneous challenges of designing with no metal parts while achieving a high degree of rigidity and precision have been addressed.  
WEPPT026 Cyclotron Injection Tests of High-Intensity H2+ Beam 372
  • F.S. Labrecque, B.F. Milton
    BCSI, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • J.R. Alonso, D. Campo, J.M. Conrad, M. Toups
    MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
  • L. Calabretta, L. Celona
    INFN/LNS, Catania, Italy
  • R. Gutierrez-Martinez, L.A. Winslow
    UCLA, Los Angeles, USA
  • D. Winklehner
    NSCL, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  Funding: Work funded by NSF agency, contract PHY-1148134
The IsoDAR (sterile neutrino) and DAEδALUS (CP-violation in neutrino sector) experiments will use cyclotrons to deliver high intensity (10 mA peak current) proton beams to neutrino-producing targets. To achieve these very high currents, we plan to inject and accelerate molecular H2+ ions. To understand high intensity H2+ injection into the central region of a compact cyclotron, and to benchmark space-charge dominated simulation studies, central-region tests are being conducted. The first test was completed this summer; a collaboration of MIT, BEST Cyclotrons and INFN-LNS at the BEST shops in Vancouver. The LNS Versatile Ion Source (VIS) was shipped from Catania to Vancouver, and was mounted, along with HV components and first focusing solenoid, on a test bench. In addition to the bench, BEST provided further beam line elements, instrumentation and a test cyclotron magnet for acceleration to no greater than 1 MeV/amu (to avoid any neutron production). Axial injection studies were conducted with a Catania-designed spiral inflector. Experimental configurations, beam characterization measurements, and phase acceptance and buncher efficiency studies will be reported.