MOPM2HA —  Operational & Future Facilities II   (10-Jun-13   16:50—18:00)
Chair: A. Källberg, MSL, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper Title Page
MOPM2HA01 LEIR Operations for the LHC and Future Plans 31
  • D. Manglunki
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  LEIR, CERN's Low Energy Ion Ring, is an essential part of the LHC ion injection chain. In addition, since 2010 the accelerator complex is also delivering ions to the fixed target programme of the SPS North Area. We review the operation of the machine during the recent runs, and we detail the plans for the coming years with Pb and other species.  
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MOPM2HA02 AD Status and Consolidation Plans 36
  • T. Eriksson, M.E. Angoletta, L. Arnaudon, P. Belochitskii, L. Bojtár, M. Calviani, F. Caspers, S. Federmann, L.V. Jørgensen, R. Louwerse, C. Oliveira, G. Tranquille
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The CERN Antiproton Decelerator (AD) has now completed it’s 12th year of supplying low-energy antiproton beams for the successful physics program. Most of the machine’s key components are in operation since more than 25 years and prompted by the approval of the ELENA project, a substantial consolidation program is now being launched to ensure continued reliable operation. Over the course of the next few years a progressive renovation of the AD-Target area and the AD-ring with all the associated systems will take place. Status and performance of the AD are presented along with an overview of planned and ongoing consolidation activities with emphasis on stochastic and electron beam cooling.  
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Towards the Production of Anti-hydrogen Beams  
  • S. van Gorp
    RIKEN, Japan
  In the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) at CERN, low energy antiproton beams of 5.6 MeV are delivered to physics experiments. With the use of the unique RFQ decelerator (RFQD), the ASACUSA collaboration is capable of providing ~100 keV pulsed antiproton beams. These antiprotons are further cooled in the MUSASHI [1] trap and finally transferred with an energy of a couple eV to the CUSP experiment. Here, Antihydrogen atoms are produced by mixing an antiproton plasma with a positron plasma in a nested trap scheme. Behind this mixing region a so-called CUSP field is located [2], which focuses low-field anti-hydrogen atoms further downstream to the spinflip cavity followed by a sextupole magnet and antihydrogen detector. A measurement of the antihydrogen signal as a function of the frequency irradiated to the cavity gives direct access to the hyperfine structure (HFS). A detailed comparison with the hydrogen HFS provides a sensitive test of matter/antimatter symmetry. Recently, the production of low energy anti-hydrogen atoms in the CUSP trap was reported [3]. Recent results, development and the current status of the CUSP experiment will be reported with the emphasis on non-neutral plasmas.
[1] N. Kuroda, H. A. Torii, K. Y. Franzen, et al., PRL 94, (2005)
[2] A. Mohri and Y. Yamazaki, Europhys. L 63 (2003) 207
[3] Y. Enomoto, N. Kuroda, K. Michishio, et al., PRL 105 (2010)
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