FRAM2HA —  Dieter Möhl Tribute   (14-Jun-13   10:30—12:00)
Chair: G. Tranquille, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Paper Title Page
Dieter Möhl – His Life as a Scientist, Mentor and Friend  
  • F. Caspers
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The scientific life of Dieter Möhl can spit up into four major categories; namely accelerators where he made major contributions, theory and teaching, advice to the management and human relations including human rights. Regarding the first point it should be recalled that Dieter is one of the founding fathers of LEAR and in parallel worked a lot on ICE, the PS as well as the AAC until it became the AD. The list of other machines (not always built) which have profited from his contributions is very long and include the RCS, SuperLEAR, Tau-charm and neutrino factories and also various rings of FAIR. Dieter was one of leading theorists in accelerator physics making fundamental contributions to stochastic cooling, ordered beam issues, electron cooling, polarized beams and beam stability problems. He was very often called in for advice by the management, not only at CERN but in numerous advisory committees. His excellent human qualities are known worldwide and they are held in the highest esteem in particular in Russian laboratories. At this point his engagement in the Orlov committee must be mentioned again.  
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Dieter: 35 Years of Friendship and Scientific Partnership  
  • I.N. Meshkov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  Dieter: 35 years of friendship and scientific partnership.  
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Recollection of Dieter  
  • T. Katayama
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • A. Noda
    NIRS, Chiba-shi, Japan
  • N. Tokuda
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  We have collaborated with Dieter for more than 30 years. First TK and AN met with Dieter at the Heavy Ion Fusion Workshop in 1979 at Berkeley. At the beginning of 1980s the small ion storage ring TARN was constructed at Tokyo where we performed RF stacking and stochastic cooling of ion beams. In 1986 Dieter invited NT to CERN to join the low energy stochastic cooling work at the LEAR. TK also stayed at CERN as a visiting scientist at LEAR for half year in 1986. Through these collaboration works, the communication, officially and personally, with Dieter was strengthened. He stayed at RIKEN as an Eminent Scientist for several months in 2002 when he worked with TK on the crystallized beam and educated young students at the Beam Physics and Engineering Laboratory of RIKEN. Dieter advised and worked with AN on the Kyoto S-LSR on the laser cooling. From 2004 to 2011, TK worked together with Dieter on the GSI/FAIR storage ring projects mainly on the stochastic cooling and stacking of Pbar and Rare Isotope Beam. All memories of Dieter recollect us his warm, human and strict character in his life. Additional but important remark: he was a good teacher of skiing for TK and NT at Zermatt.  
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Recollections of Dieter  
  • D. Prasuhn
    FZJ, Jülich, Germany
  Recollections of Dieter  
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Dieter Möhl and GSI/FAIR  
  • B. J. Franzke
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  The talk shall gratefully remind us of nearly 15 years of close scientific and personal relation between Dieter and the storage ring group of GSI, especially during the conceptual design phase of FAIR, where Dieter was member of the machine advisory committee (MAC) for the project. His various theoretical and experimental studies of stochastic cooling and novel beam accumulation concepts were of outmost importance for the technical design of the CR and RESR storage rings.  
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Memories of Dieter Möhl  
  • A. Sessler
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  Dieter was one of my closest friends and I feel his loss deeply. He was one of the kindest, gentlest, most patient, considerate and generous, person I have ever known. In this brief talk I will describe some of the incidents that endeared Dieter to me.