Author: Novokshonov, A.I.
Paper Title Page
Experimental Investigation of Spectral-Angular Cherenkov Radiation Characteristics From 855 MeV Electrons  
  • A. Potylitsyn, S.Yu. Gogolev, A.V. Vukolov
    TPU, Tomsk, Russia
  • G. Kube, A.I. Novokshonov
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • W. Lauth
    IKP, Mainz, Germany
  Radiation based beam diagnostics is a versatile tool, especially for transverse beam profile measurements. While the use of Optical Transition Radiation (OTR) has long history since developed, the application of Cherenkov Radiation (ChR) having comparatively higher intensity and tunable frequency spectrum just arouse interest. In order to investigate the ChR properties, an experiment has been carried out at the 855 MeV electron beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI (University of Mainz, Germany). The beam size was 370 um in horizontal and 6.5 um in vertical direction. A 200 um thick fused silica was used as radiator. The beam images were recorded with a standard CMOS camera and an objective lens. While the detector was at a fixed observation angle (much larger than 46.77 degrees - the Cherenkov angle for a fused silica), the radiator could be rotated with respect to the beam direction such that the ChR angular distribution was measured as a function of the radiator orientation. In addition, a spectrometer was used to get the ChR emission spectrum orientation dependency. This report gives an overview of the experiment together with measurements and first theoretical comparisons.  
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