Author: Dickson, R.W.
Paper Title Page
Self-Configuring IO Brick for General Purpose Data-Acquisition  
  • R.W. Dickson
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  This talk will describe a simple, general-purpose data acquisition system that requires minimal configuration and no software programming by the user. The idea is to have a ready system that can be quickly placed in the field to perform a variety of measurements. Support for digital I/O, relays, analog input and output, thermocouple measurement, and strain (bridge) measurements are provided. The system uses National Instruments CompactRIO hardware and communicates to the user via an EPICS interface. All the user need do is plug in the type of modules needed for the measurement, and the system will auto discover this hardware, configure itself and communicate to EPICS EDM (and CSS BOY) screens. The screens will then also configure for the hardware selected. The system also supports hot-swapping to add or change hardware on-the-fly. Any changes are then reflected in the system’s displays. This system is being used in several instances at the SNS in a more permanent capacity than it was intended. In these cases, more specific EDM screens have been developed to visualize the same data that would normally be viewed with the dynamic screens.  
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