Control System for the Superconducting Wavelength Shifter of SRRC       2010
  J. Chen, C.K. Chang, K.-T. Hsu, S.-Y. Hsu, K.-H. Hu, C.-S. Hwang, D. Lee, C.-Y. Liu, SRRC, Hsinchu      
  Design and Implementation of the White Circuit By Pass Capacitor Protection System       2457
  J.-P. Chiou, Y.-C. Chien, C.-S. Fann, J.-A. Li, C.-Y. Liu, J.-T. Sheu, SRRC, Hsinchu      
  Design and Implementation of the High Performance Thyratron Tube Driver       2646
  C.-Y. Liu, Y.-C. Chien, J.-P. Chiou, C.-S. Fann, J.-T. Sheu, SRRC, Hsinchu