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TUP019 Stepping Motor Control for Septum Plate Positioning septum, controls, injection, cathode 125
  • K. Herlo
    GSI, Darmstadt
  A new injection septum will be installed in the GSI accelerator facility. Both septum plates can be adjusted by four stepping motors, where two motors per plate have to be moved simultaneously and in parallel. Since the GSI standard stepping motor controller can handle only one motor at a time, a commercial stepping motor controller, microIOC-M-Box from Cosylab, had to be integrated, that can handle all motors simultaneously. We installed the software development system and ported the new GSI front-end control software, the device manager, to the motor controller. Afterwards, we designed and implemented a new device model that assures parallel movements and does extensive checks to prevent from too large skew angles. In the operator's interfaces, no particular care to meet the position constraints is needed.