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Schwickert, M.

Paper Title Page
WEP005 Monolithic DAQ System for Beam Diagnostics at the HIT Medical Accelerator Facility 177
  • M. Schwickert, T. Fleck, A. Reiter
    GSI, Darmstadt
  The Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center HIT is presently in the final phase of commissioning. HIT consists of a two-stage linac followed by a compact heavy-ion synchrotron. The ion beam can be delivered to two horizontal treatment places and a gantry structure for 360° patient treatment. In this contribution we report on the basic concepts for the integration of the beam diagnostic data acquisition into the overall accelerator control system and the distributed timing devices. The equipment-side abstraction layer of facility-wide device classes and its seamless integration besides device control units, e.g. for power supplies, is presented and first operational experiences of the machine commissioning are discussed. As examples for the data acquisition of the high-energy beam transport section the detection of beam profiles using MWPCs and Scintillation Screens is presented, as well as measurements of beam intensity using ionization chambers.  
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