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Author: Wang, J.W.

Paper Title Page
TPAB031 Status of X-band Standing Wave Structure Studies at SLAC 1264
  • V.A. Dolgashev, C. Adolphsen, G. Bowden, D.L. Burke, R.M. Jones, J.R. Lewandowski, Z. Li, R. Loewen, R.H. Miller, C.-K. Ng, C. Pearson, R.D. Ruth, S.G. Tantawi, J.W. Wang, P. Wilson (SLAC)
WPPG032 Simulating Accelerator Structure Operation at High Power 2664
  • V. Ivanov, C. Adolphsen, N. Folwell, L. Ge, A. Guetz, K. Ko, Z. Li, C.-K. Ng, J.W. Wang, M. Wolf (SLAC), M. Weiner (Harvey Mudd College), G. Schussmann (University of California, Davis)
RPAB016 Energy Dispersion Compensation and Beam Loading in X-Band Linacs for the JLC/NLC 2763
  • R.M. Jones, C. Adolphsen, V.A. Dolgashev, R.H. Miller, J.W. Wang (SLAC)
WPAG027 Optimization of the X-Band Structure for the JLC/NLC *
  • Z. Li, C. Adolphsen, D.L. Burke, V. Dolgashev, R.M. Jones, R.H. Miller, C. Nantista, C.K. Ng, T.O. Raubenheimer, R.D. Ruth, P.T. Tenenbaum, J.W. Wang (SLAC); N. Toge and T. Higo (KEK)


* This paper was inadvertently omitted from the hardcopy and CD Proceedings and therefore not paginated. The paper is provided, with my apologies to the authors, here on the JACoW website. -ed.