Author: Todd, R.J.
Paper Title Page
Instrumentation Front-End at NSLS-II  
  • M.P. Johanson, L. Doom, C. Hetzel, B.N. Kosciuk, D. Padrazo, J. Rank, S.K. Sharma, R.J. Todd
    BNL, Upton, New York, USA
  The Instrumentation Front End (IFE) is the upstream end of a R&D beamline at NSLS-II for testing new design concepts needed for the future upgrade of NSLS-II and other accelerator facilities. The IFE utilizes a refurbished U68 planar undulator as the source of high intensity synchrotron radiation (x-rays). The main components of the IFE are the undulator source, a fixed mask, two slits with integral XBPMs, and a test photon shutter. The first planned test will establish thermal fatigue design criteria for a copper alloy, CuCrZr, adopted recently for most of the high-power beam stops and slits. A beam stop of Soleil-II (France) made from powder CuCrZr will also be tested for its thermal fatigue life. Another planned test will evaluate a new XBPM design that will help improve the X-ray beam stability. In the second phase the IFE will be extended to a test beamline on the experimental floor. This poster serves to showcase its main features and capabilities, and present future possibilities.  
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