Author: Nowak, P.N.
Paper Title Page
Infrared Line Design  
  • M. Brzyski, P.N. Nowak
    NSRC SOLARIS, Kraków, Poland
  The SOLARIS synchrotron in Kraków is a third-generation synchrotron radiation source operating in the medium electron energy range. In 2019 a decision has been taken to design and build an infrared line. We designed the chamber supports and the mirror movement system. the line is at the stage of assembly and testing. We would like to present it  
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SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre: The Infrastructure for Science and Industry  
  • P.N. Nowak
    NSRC SOLARIS, Kraków, Poland
  The SOLARIS synchrotron in Kraków is a third-generation synchrotron radiation source operating in the medium electron energy range. The first synchrotron light in SOLARIS was observed in 2016, while the first user experiments were performed in 2018. SOLARIS is expanding its activities, constantly developing experimental beamlines and complementary infrastructure such as cryo-electron microscopes. Research opportunities offered by SOLARIS, the only synchrotron in Central-Eastern Europe, allow for conducting unique scientific projects in fundamental research and applied sciences. It should be emphasized that access to the research infrastructure in SOLARIS is free of charge and provided based on the assessment of the beamtime applications by the international review panel. In the presentation, we will present the SOLARIS synchrotron project and available infrastructure, provide practical information on access to the infrastructure, and show examples of the research results obtained at the Centre by the Users.  
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