Author: Jia, Q.J.
Paper Title Page
TUPYP043 The Design of Test Beamline at HEPS 90
  • J.L. Yang, Q.J. Jia, M. Li, P. Liu, Y. Tao
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  This paper describes the design of a test beamline for a new generation of high-energy, high-flux, and high-coherence SR beamlines. The beamline will be built at ID42 of HEPS. The beamline includes two sources, a wiggler and an undulator, to provide high-energy, high thermal power, large size, and high-coherence, high-brightness X-ray beams, respectively. In the current design, the beamline mainly has optical components such as monochromators, CRLs, and filters. With different combinations of sources and optical components, the beamline can provide various modes, including white, monochromatic, and focused beam. Using a Si111 DCM, the beamline covers a wide photon energy range from 5 to 45 keV. In the future, the beamline will be capable of providing monochromatic beam with photon energy over 300 keV. The wiggler’s white beam can provide high thermal load test conditions over 1 kW. The beamline offers high flexibility and versatility in terms of available beam size (from micrometers to over 100 mm), energy resolution, and photon flux range. Various experimental techniques including diffraction, spectroscopy, imaging, and at-wavelength measurement can be performed on this beamline.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-MEDSI2023-TUPYP043  
About • Received ※ 08 November 2023 — Revised ※ 09 November 2023 — Accepted ※ 10 November 2023 — Issued ※ 18 April 2024
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