Author: Afshar, N.
Paper Title Page
Delta Robot 2.0: The Nano-Positioning System for the Hard X-ray Nanoprobe at the Australian Synchrotron.  
  • M. Semeraro, N. Afshar, C.M. Kewish, J. McKinlay, C. Morey, M.D. de Jonge
    AS - ANSTO, Clayton, Australia
  • J.H. Kelly
    DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  A nano-positioning system for the Nanoprobe beamline at the ANSTO Australian Synchrotron has been designed in collaboration with Diamond Light Source (DLS). Based on the DLS I14 delta robot [1], this design extends the bandwidth and uses an interferometer arrangement that reduces Abbe errors to improve positioning stability at high scan rate. Voice coil actuators and advanced control algorithms target precise and stable scanning with 3¿mm range in XYZ with 10 nm-rms stability; a significant challenge that was used to upskill in mechatronics engineering across our facility and improve design collaboration between mechanical and controls engineering groups. In addition to scanning, 360° rotation and 50¿mm focusing, and automated sample exchange are supported. The design, fabrication, and construction of the system is discussed, with preliminary results demonstrating its performance in terms of positioning accuracy, stability, and repeatability. This work represents an advance in the development of nanoprobe positioning systems for X-ray microscopy, with promising outlook for a range of scientific and engineering applications.
[1] J. Kelly, et al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92(4), 043712 (2022)
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