Journals of Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW)

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TitleIMPACTX space charge modeling of high intensity linacs with mesh refinement
  • C. Mitchell, A. Formenti, A. Huebl, J. Vay, J. Qiang, M. Garten, R. Lehe, R. Sandberg
    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
AbstractHigh intensity linacs pose a challenge to efficient beam dynamics modeling due to the high numerical resolution required for accurate prediction of beam halo and losses. The code ImpactX represents the next generation of the particle-in-cell code IMPACT-Z, featuring s-based symplectic tracking with 3D space charge, parallelism with GPU acceleration, adaptive mesh-refinement, modernized language features, and automated testing. While the code contains features that support the modeling of both linear and circular accelerators, we describe recent code development relevant to the modeling of high-intensity linacs (such as beam transport for the Fermilab PIP-II linac), with a focus on space charge benchmarking and the impact of novel code capabilities such as mesh refinement.
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Conference32nd Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC2024)
LocationChicago, IL, USA
Date25-30 Aug 2024
PublisherJACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland
Editorial BoardKelly Jaje (ANL), Kip Bishofberger (LANL), Ryan Brody (ANL), Gustavo Bruno (ANL), Jan Chrin (PSI), Cathy Eyberger (ANL), Maggie Montes (SLAC), Denise Skiadopoulos (ANL), Ling Wang (MSU/FRIB), Kent Wootton (ANL)
Online ISBN978-3-95450-219-6
Online ISSN2226-0366
Received20 August 2024
Revised17 September 2024
Accepted17 September 2024
Issued23 October 2024