Title |
New Injection Beamline for TRIUMF Cyclotron |
Authors |
- M. Marchetto, R.A. Baartman, Y. Bylinskii, P.E. Dirksen, M. Ilagan, P.M. Jung, O. Lawpresenter, R.E. Laxdal, S. Saminathan, V.A. Verzilov, V. Zvyagintsev
TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
- B. Dos Remedios
UBC & TRIUMF, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Abstract |
The TRIUMF Ion Source and Injection System (ISIS) beamline is used to transport the 300 keV H⁻ beam from the ion source to the injection into the 500 MeV cyclotron. The vertical section of the beamline, upgraded in 2011, is very robust and reliable, while the horizontal section, now 50 years old, is very demanding in maintenance, and presents a high risk of downtime due to aging. The horizontal beamline is being re-designed with well proven optical concepts, and modern UHV technologies already used in the vertical section, and in the ARIEL RIB transport system; this will produce a more efficient system, easier to maintain and tune. The beamline will use electrostatic optical modules like matching, periodic, and 90-degree achromatic bend sections; updated elements include bunchers, a high-energy pulser, a 5:1 selector, and a new set of diagnostics. A crucial aspect of the new beamline is a magnetic shield, to compensate the cyclotron stray field, comprised of a mu-metal in-vacuum liner allowing HV feedthroughs and diagnostics insertion without breaking the shield continuity. The new injection beamline will be controlled via EPICS. The paper will present the status of the project.
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Conference |
LINAC2022 |
Series |
International Linear Accelerator Conference (31st) |
Location |
Liverpool, UK |
Date |
28 August-02 September 2022 |
Publisher |
JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland |
Editorial Board |
Peter McIntosh (STFC DL, Daresbury, UK); Graeme Burt (Lancaster Univ., Lancaster, UK); Robert Apsimon (Lancaster Univ., Lancaster, UK); Volker R.W. Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany) |
Online ISBN |
978-3-95450-215-8 |
Online ISSN |
2226-0366 |
Received |
23 August 2022 |
Revised |
30 August 2022 |
Accepted |
03 September 2022 |
Issue Date |
15 September 2022 |
doi:10.18429/JACoW-LINAC2022-TUPORI02 |
Pages |
545-548 |
Copyright |
Published by JACoW Publishing under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s), the published article's title, publisher, and DOI. |