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'Journal of Accelerator Conferences Website' (JACoW) is a publisher in Geneva, Switzerland that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world by an international collaboration of editors.

Title Beam Commissioning and Integrated Test of the PIP-II Injector Test Facility
  • E. Pozdeyev, R. Andrews, C.M. Baffes, M. Ball, C. Boffo, R. Campos, J.-P. Carneiro, B.E. Chase, A.Z. Chen, D.J. Crawford, J. Czajkowski, N. Eddy, M. El Baz, M.G. Geelhoed, V.M. Grzelak, P.M. Hanlet, B.M. Hanna, B.J. Hansen, E.R. Harms, B.F. Harrison, M.A. Ibrahim, K.R. Kendziora, M.J. Kucera, D.D. Lambert, J.R. Leibfritz, P. Lyalyutskyy, J.N. Makara, H. Maniar, L. Merminga, R. Neswold, D.J. Nicklaus, J.P. Ozelis, D. Passarelli, N. Patel, D.W. Peterson, L.R. Prost, G.W. Saewert, A. Saini, V.E. Scarpine, A.V. Shemyakin, J. Steimel, A.I. Sukhanov, P. Varghese, R. Wang, A. Warner, G. Wu, R.M. Zifko
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  • V.K. Mishra, M.M. Pande, K. Singh, Vikas. Teotia
    BARC, Mumbai, India
Abstract The PIP-II Injector Test (PIP2IT) facility is a near-complete low energy portion of the Superconducting PIP-II linac driver. PIP2IT comprises the warm front end and the first two PIP-II superconducting cryomodules. PIP2IT is designed to accelerate a 2 mA H⁻ beam to an energy of 20 MeV. The facility serves as a testbed for a number of advanced technologies required to operate PIP-II and provides an opportunity to gain experience with commissioning of the superconducting linac, significantly reducing project technical risks. Some PIP2IT components are contributions from international partners, who also lend their expertise to the accelerator project. The project has been successfully commissioned with the beam in 2021, demonstrating the performance required for the LBNF/DUNE. In this paper, we describe the facility and its critical systems. We discuss our experience with the integrated testing and beam commissioning of PIP2IT, and present commissioning results. This important milestone ushers in a new era at Fermilab of proton beam delivery using superconducting radio-frequency accelerators.
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Conference LINAC2022
Series International Linear Accelerator Conference (31st)
Location Liverpool, UK
Date 28 August-02 September 2022
Publisher JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland
Editorial Board Peter McIntosh (STFC DL, Daresbury, UK); Graeme Burt (Lancaster Univ., Lancaster, UK); Robert Apsimon (Lancaster Univ., Lancaster, UK); Volker R.W. Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
Online ISBN 978-3-95450-215-8
Online ISSN 2226-0366
Received 16 August 2022
Revised 26 August 2022
Accepted 28 August 2022
Issue Date 13 October 2022
DOI doi:10.18429/JACoW-LINAC2022-MO1PA01
Pages 13-17
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