Author: Plechov, E.
Paper Title Page
MOPLR067 First High Power Tests at the 325 MHz RF Test Stand at GSI 287
  • G. Schreiber, E. Plechov, J. Salvatore, B. Schlitt, A. Schnase, M. Vossberg
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  A dedicated RF test stand for testing RF components and accelerating structures at 325 MHz has been put into operation at GSI. It allows testing the klystrons and circulators as well as the RFQ and the CH-acceleration cavities for the planned FAIR proton linac (p-Linac) and further cavity projects. The system integration has been completed and first high power tests with the CH prototype cavity were successfully performed. The operation parameters are 2 Hz repetition rate and 200 microseconds pulse length. Investigations on the critical path from wave guide to coaxial high power cavity coupler have been made. Performance measurements of the klystron, circulator and directional couplers with up to 2.8 MW on dummy load and the following conditioning process of the CH-prototype cavity with its coupled RF structures will be presented. Additionally the results of the conditioning of a ladder RFQ prototype are shown.  
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