Author: Borotto Dalla Vecchia, F.
Paper Title Page
THPLR066 Preparation and Installation of IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ at Rokkasho Site 1005
  • E. Fagotti, L. Antoniazzi, A. Baldo, A. Battistello, P. Bottin, L. Ferrari, M.G. Giacchini, F. Grespan, M. Montis, A. Pisent, D. Scarpa
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  • D. Agguiaro, A.G. Colombo, A. Pepato, L. Ramina
    INFN- Sez. di Padova, Padova, Italy
  • F. Borotto Dalla Vecchia, G. Dughera, G. Giraudo, E.A. Macri, P. Mereu, R. Panero
    INFN-Torino, Torino, Italy
  The IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ is composed of 18 modules for a total length of 9.8 m and is designed to accelerate the 125 mA D+ beam up to 5 MeV at the frequency of 175 MHz. The RFQ is subdivided into three Super-Modules of six modules each. The Super-Modules were pre-assembled, aligned and vacuum tested at INFN-LNL and then shipped to Rokkasho (Japan). At Rokkasho site a series of test were performed in order to verify the effect of the shipment on the cavity. The assembly debug, shipment equipment and the sequence of operations are described in this paper.  
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