Author: Peng, N.
Paper Title Page
TUPB044 Cryogenic System for the ADS Injector II in IMP, CAS 576
  • X.H. Guo, Y.N. Han, T. Jin, X.F. Niu, H.L. Su, J.H. Zhang
    IMP, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  • L.Q. Liu, N. Peng, L.-Y. Xiong
    TIPC, BeiJing, People's Republic of China
  Funding: Work supported by Accelerator Driven Sub-critical (ADS) program of CAS, China
In order to meet the requirements of ADS Injector II project which is now being designed and built in IMP, CAS, a liquid helium cryogenic system with 4.5K & 850W cooling power is being built. This paper presents the primary design and the status of this cryogenic system with different operation models according to the need of superconducting tests.