Author: Meng, J.
Paper Title Page
THPB027 Progress of one of 10 MeV superconducting proton linear Injectors for C-ADS 909
  • Y. He, J. Meng, A. Shi, Z.J. Wang, J.X. Wu, W. Wu, H.S. Xu, Z. Xu, B. Zhang, J.H. Zhang, S.H. Zhang, Z.M. Zhang, H.W. Zhao, Z.Z. Zhou
    IMP, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  • D. Li
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  A 10 MeV superconducting proton linac is being design and constructing at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This proton linac is one of two injectors for Chinese ADS project. It is to validate one of concepts for C-ADS front end, to demonstrate the low beta acceleration, to minimize the risk of key technoledges within the Reference Design. It consists of a 2.1 MeV RFQ and two cryomodules hosting 8 HWR cavities. The basic frequecy is 162.5 MHz. The physical design of linac and the progess of prototypes for solid state amplifiers, superconducting solenoids, supercondecting HWRs, ion source, and RFQ are presented in the paper.