Author: Liu, Y.
Paper Title Page
THPB039 Design of a Four-Vane RFQ for China ADS Project 942
  • Z.L. Zhang, X. Du, Y. He, X. Jin, C. Li, Y. Liu, A. Shi, L.P. Sun, B. Zhang, H.W. Zhao
    IMP, Lanzhou, People's Republic of China
  • M.D. Hoff, A.R. Lambert, D. Li, J.W. Staples, S.P. Virostek
    LBNL, Berkeley, California, USA
  • J. Wang
    Lanzhou University of Technology, People's Republic of China
  • C. Zhang
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  A four-vane RFQ accelerator has been designed for the ADS project which has been launched in China since 2011. As one of the front ends of C-ADS LINAC, the RFQ works at a frequency of 162.5 MHz, accelerating the proton beam from 35 keV to 2.1 MeV. Due to the CW (continuous wave) operating mode, a small Kilpatric factor of 1.2 was adopted. At the same time, Pi-mode rods are employed to reduce the effect of dipole mode on quadrupole mode, and cavity tuning will be implemented by temperature adjustment of cooling water. Beam dynamics design, RF cavity design, thermal and stress analysis all will be presented in the paper.