Author: Li, X.
Paper Title Page
MOPB022 RF Characteristic Studies on the Whole Accelerating Structure for the BEPCII Linear Accelerator 219
  • S. Pei, M. Hou, X. Li, J.R. Zhang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • B.L. Wang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  An accelerating structure is one device to boost the particle energy. 2856 MHz 3 m long travelling wave disk-loaded accelerating structure is applied in BEPCII linac, its RF characteristics are mainly determined by the 84 regular cells located between the input and output couplers. Input and output couplers need to be included when the whole structure RF characteristics are simulated before fabrication; otherwise it would be difficult to obtain the travelling wave fields excited in the whole structure. If the real 3D couplers are modelled during the design process, a large amount of computer resources and time need to be used. However, if the redesigned azimuth symmetric coupler is used to replace the real 3D one during the simulation process, much less computer resources and time are required. With this method proposed here, the simulation results agree well with the theoretically calculated and experimentally measured ones.