Author: Carli, C.
Paper Title Page
THPB010 Progress in the Construction of Linac4 at CERN 864
  • M. Vretenar, L. Arnaudon, P. Baudrenghien, G. Bellodi, C. Bertone, Y. Body, J.C. Broere, O. Brunner, M.C.L. Buzio, C. Carli, J.-P. Corso, J. Coupard, A. Dallocchio, N. Dos Santos, J.-F. Fuchs, A. Funken, R. Garoby, F. Gerigk, L. Hammouti, K. Hanke, J. Hansen, I. Kozsar, J.-B. Lallement, J. Lettry, A.M. Lombardi, L.A. Lopez Hernandez, C. Maglioni, S.J. Mathot, B. Mikulec, D. Nisbet, M.M. Paoluzzi, B. Puccio, U. Raich, S. Ramberger, F. Roncarolo, C. Rossi, N. Schwerg, R. Scrivens, G. Vandoni, J. Vollaire, R. Wegner, S. Weisz, Th. Zickler
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  As first step of the LHC luminosity upgrade program CERN is building a new 160 MeV H¯ linear accelerator, Linac4, to replace the ageing 50 MeV Linac2 as injector to the PS Booster (PSB). Linac4 is an 86-m long normal-conducting linac made of a 3 MeV injector followed by 22 accelerating cavities of three different types. The general service infrastructure has been installed in the new tunnel and surface building and its commissioning is progressing; high power RF equipment is being installed in the hall and installations in the tunnel will start soon. Construction of the accelerator parts is in full swing involving industry, the CERN workshops and a network of international collaborations. The injector section including a newly designed and built H¯ source, a 3-m long RFQ and a chopping line is being commissioned in a dedicated test stand. Beam commissioning of the linac will take place in steps of increasing energy between 2013 and 2014. From end of 2014 Linac4 could deliver 50 MeV protons in case of Linac2 failure, while 160 MeV H¯ could be injected into the PSB from end of 2015; the exact start of the LHC shut-down required for connection will be coordinated with its experiments.