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Zhao, S.

Paper Title Page
MOP14 Development of Intense Beam Proton Linac in China 63
  • S. Fu, S.X. Fang, H. Ouyang, S. Zhao
    IHEP Beijing, Beijing
  • B. Cui, X. Guan
    CIAE, Beijing
  • J. Fang, Z.Y. Guo
    PKU/IHIP, Beijing
  Study on intense beam proton linac was started about four years ago in a national program for the basic research on ADS in China. This ADS program is meant for the future development of the clean nuclear power generation. Another important application of HPPA for Chinese Spallation Neutron Source was also proposed recently in China, and it is financially supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences. In this paper, the research progress on intense beam proton linac in these two application fields will be outlined. It involves the test result of an high-current ECR proton source, construction status of a 3.5 MeV RFQ accelerator and the design of a DTL linac.