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Yamazaki, Y.

Paper Title Page
TUP06 Results of the High-Power Conditioning and the First Beam Acceleration of the DTL-1 for J-PARC 300
  • F. Naito, S. Anami, J. Chiba, Y. Fukui, K. Furukawa, Z. Igarashi, K. Ikegami, M. Ikegami, E. Kadokura, N. Kamikubota, T. Kato, M. Kawamura, H. Kobayashi, C. Kubota, E. Takasaki, H. Tanaka, S. Yamaguchi, K. Yoshino
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • K. Hasegawa, Y. Kondo, A. Ueno
    JAERI, Ibaraki-ken
  • T. Itou, Y. Yamazaki
    JAERI/LINAC, Ibaraki-ken
  • T. Kobayashi
    J-PARC, Ibaraki-ken
  The first tank of the DTL for Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) was installed in the test facility at KEK. The DTL tank is 9.9 m in length and consists of the 76 cells. The resonant frequency of the tank is 324 MHz. After the installation of the tank, the high-power conditioning was carried out deliberately. Consequently the peak rf power of 1.3 MW (pulse repetition 50 Hz, pulse length 600 μs) was put into the tank stably. (The required power is about 1.1 MW for the designed accelerating field of 2.5 MV/m on the axis.) Following the conditioning, negative hydrogen beam, accelerated by the RFQ linac up to 3 MeV, was injected to the DTL and accelerated up to its design value of 19.7 MeV. The peak current of 30 mA was achieved with almost 100% transmission. In this paper, the conditioning history of the DTL and the result of the first beam test will be described.  
MOP18 Cold-Model Tests and Fabrication Status for J-PARC ACS 75
  • H. Ao, H. Akikawa
    JAERI/LINAC, Ibaraki-ken
  • K. Hasegawa, A. Ueno
    JAERI, Ibaraki-ken
  • N. Hayashizaki
    TIT, Tokyo
  • M. Ikegami, S. Noguchi
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • V.V. Paramonov
    RAS/INR, Moscow
  • Y. Yamazaki
    J-PARC, Ibaraki-ken
  The J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) LINAC will be commissioned with energy of 181-MeV using 50 keV ion source, 3 MeV RFQ, 50 MeV DTL and 181 MeV SDTL (Separated DTL) on September 2006. It is planed to be upgraded by using 400 MeV ACS (Annular Coupled Structure), which is a high-beta structure most suitable for the J-PARC, in a few years from the commissioning. The first ACS cavity, which will be used as the first buncher between the SDTL and the ACS, is under fabrication. Detailed design and tuning procedure of ACS cavities has been studied with RF simulation analysis and cold-model measurements. The results of cold-model measurements, fabrication status, and related development items are described in this paper.  
TUP21 Beam Dynamics Design of J-PARC Linac High Energy Section 339
  • M. Ikegami, T. Kato, S. Noguchi
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • H. Ao, Y. Yamazaki
    JAERI/LINAC, Ibaraki-ken
  • K. Hasegawa, T. Ohkawa, A. Ueno
    JAERI, Ibaraki-ken
  • N. Hayashizaki
    TIT, Tokyo
  • V.V. Paramonov
    RAS/INR, Moscow
  J-PARC linac consists of a 3 MeV RFQ linac, a 50 MeV DTL (Drift Tube Linac), a 190 MeV SDTL (Separate-type DTL), and a 400 MeV ACS (Annular-Coupled Structure) linac. Recently, the beam dynamics design of the ACS part has been slightly modified to reduce construction cost. Namely, the number of klystron modules are reduced from 23 to 21, and the number of accelerating cells in one klystron module is increased from 30 to 34 to maintain the total energy gain. This design change curtails the margin for RF power by around 5 %, and the total length of the ACS section is nearly unchanged. The beam matching section between SDTL and ACS is also revised correspondingly. These modifications of the design are described in this paper together with 3D particle simulation results for the new design.  
TH101 Status of the J-PARC Linac, Initial Results and Upgrade Plan 554
  • Y. Yamazaki
    JAERI/LINAC, Ibaraki-ken
  The J-PARC linac building will be completed by March, 2005, when the installation of the linac components will start. On the other hand, the front end linac, comprising the 3 MeV RFQ linac, the MEBT with the beam chopper, and the 20 MeV DTL first tank, is under beam commissioning in the KEK site. A peak current of 30 mA, which is enough for the 0.6 MW operation of Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), was accelerated up to 20 MeV on the second day of the beam commissioning, last November. The detailed study of the system is under way, including the stability test of many components. The front end linac will be shipped to the JAERI Tokai site after the building completion there. The beam commissioning of the 181 MeV linac will start in September 2006, that of the 3 GeV RCS in May, 2007, and that of the 50 GeV Main Synchrotron (MR) in November 2007. The beam acceleration in the MR will be done by March, 2008. It is strongly recommended by the government committee that the upgrade to the 400 MeV linac should start immediately after the completion of the above accelerator system, that is, in April 2008, with the period of three years, aiming the 1 MeV RCS beam power.  