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Yamaguchi, S.

Paper Title Page
MOP31 Development of a C-band Accelerating Module for SUPERKEKB 108
  • S. Ohsawa, M. Ikeda, K. Kakihara, T. Kamitani, T. Oogoe, T. Sugimura, S. Yamaguchi, K. Yokoyama
    KEK, Ibaraki
  High power rf processing of 1 m C-band accelerating section for Super KEKB was successfully performed and power corresponding to 42 MV/m was achieved. Processing data were accumulated including acoustic sensor to find the arcing position. No structural damage was observed from the phase shift measurement performed after the processing. Processed accelerator was installed in the beam line of KEKB linac and being re-processed. The beam acceleration of 40 MV/m was successfully achieved in October 2003. Present status of C-band accelerator development is reported.  
TUP06 Results of the High-Power Conditioning and the First Beam Acceleration of the DTL-1 for J-PARC 300
  • F. Naito, S. Anami, J. Chiba, Y. Fukui, K. Furukawa, Z. Igarashi, K. Ikegami, M. Ikegami, E. Kadokura, N. Kamikubota, T. Kato, M. Kawamura, H. Kobayashi, C. Kubota, E. Takasaki, H. Tanaka, S. Yamaguchi, K. Yoshino
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • K. Hasegawa, Y. Kondo, A. Ueno
    JAERI, Ibaraki-ken
  • T. Itou, Y. Yamazaki
    JAERI/LINAC, Ibaraki-ken
  • T. Kobayashi
    J-PARC, Ibaraki-ken
  The first tank of the DTL for Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) was installed in the test facility at KEK. The DTL tank is 9.9 m in length and consists of the 76 cells. The resonant frequency of the tank is 324 MHz. After the installation of the tank, the high-power conditioning was carried out deliberately. Consequently the peak rf power of 1.3 MW (pulse repetition 50 Hz, pulse length 600 μs) was put into the tank stably. (The required power is about 1.1 MW for the designed accelerating field of 2.5 MV/m on the axis.) Following the conditioning, negative hydrogen beam, accelerated by the RFQ linac up to 3 MeV, was injected to the DTL and accelerated up to its design value of 19.7 MeV. The peak current of 30 mA was achieved with almost 100% transmission. In this paper, the conditioning history of the DTL and the result of the first beam test will be described.  
TUP84 Spectrographic Approach to Study of RF Conditioning Process in Accelerating RF Structures 471
  • H. Tomizawa, H. Hanaki, T.  Taniuchi
    JASRI-SPring-8, Hyogo
  • A. Enomoto, Y. Igarashi, S. Yamaguchi
    KEK, Ibaraki
  The acceleration gradient of a linac is limited by rf breakdown in its accelerating structure. We applied an imaging spectrograph system to study the mechanism of rf breakdown phenomena in accelerating rf structures. Excited outgases emit light during rf breakdown, and the type of outgases depend on surface treatments and rinsing methods for their materials. To study rf breakdown, we used 2-m-long accelerating structures and investigated the effects when high-pressure ultrapure water rinsing (HPR) treatment was applied to these rf structures. We performed experiments to study the outgases under rf conditioning with quadruple mass spectroscopy and imaging spectrography. As a result, we could observe instantly increasing signals at mass numbers of 2 (H2), 28 (CO), and 44 (CO2), but not 18 (H2O) just after the rf breakdown. We also conducted spectral imaging for the light emissions from the atoms in a vacuum that are excited by rf breakdown. Without HPR, we observed the atomic lines at 511 nm (Cu I), 622 nm (Cu II), and 711 nm (C I). With HPR, 395 nm (O I), 459 nm (O II), 511 nm (Cu I), 538 nm (C I), 570 nm (Cu I), 578 nm (Cu I), 656 nm (H I), and 740 nm (Cu II) were observed.  
THP29 Development of C-band Accelerating Section for SuperKEKB 663
  • T. Kamitani, N. Delerue, M. Ikeda, K. Kakihara, S. Ohsawa, T. Oogoe, T. Sugimura, T. Takatomi, S. Yamaguchi, K. Yokoyama
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • Y. Hozumi
    GUAS/AS, Ibaraki
  For the luminosity upgrade of the present KEK B-factory to SuperKEKB, the injector linac has to increase the positron acceleration energy from 3.5 to 8.0 GeV. In order to double the acceleration field gradient from 21 to 42 MV/m, design studies on C-band accelerator module has started in 2002. First prototype 1-m long accelerating section has been fabricated based upon a design which is half scale of the present S-band section. High power test of the C-band section has been performed at a test stand and later at an accelerator module in the KEKB injector linac. In a beam acceleration test, a field gradient of 41 MV/m is achieved with 43 MW RF power from a klystron. This paper report on the recent status of the high-power test and also the development of a second prototype section.  
THP52 RF Reference Distribution System for the J-PARC Linac 727
  • T. Kobayashi, E. Chishiro
    JAERI, Ibaraki-ken
  • S. Anami, S. Michizono, S. Yamaguchi
    KEK, Ibaraki
  J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Complex) linac, which is 300 m long, consists of 324 MHz accelerating section of the upstream and 972 MHz section (as future plan) of the downstream. In the klystron gallery, totally about 50 RF source control stations will stand for the klystrons and solid-state amplifiers. The error of the accelerating field must be within ±1° in phase and ±1% in amplitude. Thus, the high phase stability is required to the RF reference for all of the low-level RF control systems and the beam monitor systems. This paper presents a final design of the RF reference distribution system for this linac. The RF reference (12 MHz) is distributed to all stations optically. Low-jitter E/O and O/E with temperature stabilizers are developed. The reference is optically amplified and divided into 14 transmission lines, and is delivered through PSOF (the phase-stabilized optical fiber), the temperature of which is stabilized by cooling water. Each of the transmitted signals is divided more into 4 signals by an optical coupler. Our objective for the phase stability of the reference aims at <±0.3° at a 972 MHz frequency.  
THP56 Control of the Low Level RF System for J-Parc Linac 739
  • S. Michizono, S. Anami, E. Kadokura, S. Yamaguchi
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • E. Chishiro, T. Kobayashi, .H. Suzuki
    JAERI, Ibaraki-ken
  A low level RF (LLRF) system for J-Parc linac generates RF and clock signals, drives a klystron, and stabilizes accelerating fields in the cavities. The LLRF system is controlled by two units: a programmable logic controller (PLC) and a compact PCI (cPCI) controller. Functions of the PLC are ON/OFF and UP/DOWN controls, and STATUS and ANALOG monitors. The PLC is locally operated by a touch panel, and remotely operated by an EPICS IOC with Ethernet communication. The cPCI controller is for RF feedback and feed-forward controls, including a cavity tuner control, and then, locally and remotely operated by communication with the PLC. On the other hand, RF waveform data, which are stored in the memory of DSP and CPU boards in the cPCI, are directory transmitted to an EPICS OPI by a request from EPICS.  
THP57 Digital Feedback System for J-Parc Linac RF Source 742
  • S. Michizono, S. Anami, S. Yamaguchi
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • T. Kobayashi
    J-PARC, Ibaraki-ken
  At the proton linac of J-Parc (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex), an accelerating electric field stability of ±1% in amplitude and ±1° in phase is required for the RF system. In order to accomplish these requirements, a digital feedback system is adopted for flexibility of the feedback (FB) and feed forward (FF) algorism implementation. FPGAs are used for the real-time FB system. A DSP board is also utilized for data processing and communication between FPGAs and a crate control CPU (Host). The system was examined with the DTL cavity and it satisfies the stability specification. In this report, the digital rf system is described and operational stability is also summarized.