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Weiland, T.

Paper Title Page
MOP63 Numerical Calculation of Coupling Impedances in Kicker Modules for Non-Relativistic Particle Beams 162
  • B. Doliwa, T. Weiland
    TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt
  In the context of heavy-ion synchrotrons, coupling impedances in ferrite-loaded structures (e.g. fast kicker modules) are known to have a significant influence on beam stability. While bench measurements are feasible today, it is desirable to have the coupling impedances in hands already during the design process of the respective components. To achieve this goal, as a first step, we have carried out numerical analyses of simple ferrite-containing test systems within the framework of the Finite Integration Technique[1]. This amounts to solving the full set of Maxwell's equations in frequency domain, the particle beam being represented by an appropriate excitation current. With the resulting electromagnetic fields, one may then readily compute the corresponding coupling impedances. Despite the complicated material properties of ferrites, our results show that their numerical treatment is possible, thus opening up a way to determine a crucial parameter of kicker devices before construction.

[1] Weiland, T., Electronics and Communication (AEÜ), Vol. 31 (1977), p. 116.

TUP46 A New Control System for the S-DALINAC 372
  • M. Brunken, W. Ackermann, A. Araz, U. Bonnes, H.-D. Gräf, M. Hertling, A. Karnaukhov, W.F.O. Müller, O. Patalakha, M. Platz, A. Richter, B. Steiner, O. Titze, B. Truckses, T. Weiland
    TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt
  We will present recent results of the development of a new control system for the superconducting cw electron accelerator S-DALINAC. This system will be based on common industrial standards. Due to the large number of special devices existing to control the beamline, a simple and cheap communication interface is required to replace the current proprietary bus topology. The existing devices will be upgraded by a microcontroller based CAN bus interface as communication path to a control server. The servers themselves may be distributed over the location, giving required applications access to the device parameters through a TCP/IP connection. As application layer protocol for the Client Server communication a special binary protocol and a text protocol based on XML are considered.  
TUP47 The Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY Zeuthen: Results of the First Phase 375
  • A. Oppelt, K. Abrahamyan, I. Bohnet, J. Bähr, U. Gensch, H.-J. Grabosch, J.H. Han, M. Krasilnikov, D. Lipka, V. Miltchev, B. Petrosyan, L. Staykov, F. Stephan
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  • W. Ackermann, W.F.O. Müller, S. Setzer, T. Weiland
    TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt
  • J.-P. Carneiro, K. Flöttmann, S. Schreiber
    DESY, Hamburg
  • E. Jaeschke, D. Krämer, D. Richter, M. von Hartrott
    BESSY GmbH, Berlin
  • P. Michelato, C. Pagani, D. Sertore
    INFN/LASA, Segrate (MI)
  • J. Rossbach
    Uni HH, Hamburg
  • W. Sandner, I. Will
    MBI, Berlin
  • I. Tsakov
    INRNE, Sofia
  The photo injector test facility at DESY Zeuthen successfully concluded it's first phase of operation in November 2003 (PITZ1). After a complete characterization of the injector, the gun has been delivered to Hamburg and has already been taken into operation on the VUV-FEL. The measurement program for the year 2003 included RF commissioning, emittance studies, momentum and bunch length measurements, and studies of the influence of the drive laser parameters. We provide an overview on the latest achievements in all of these topics.  
THP55 Electromagnetic Design of New RF Power Couplers for the S-DALINAC 736
  • M. Kunze, M. Brunken, H.-D. Gräf, W.F.O. Müller, A. Richter, T. Weiland
    TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt
  New rf power couplers for the Superconducting Darmstadt Linear Accelerator (S-DALINAC) injector have to be designed to transfer rf power of up to 2 kW to the electron beam. This allows injector operation at beam currents from 0.15 mA to 0.2 mA and electron energies up to 14 MeV. The new couplers should possibly provide a external Q of 5·106. The transverse kick should be as small as possible. The asymmetric field distribution of the couplers causes emittance growth of the electron beam and therefore the transverse kick has to be minimized. Electromagnetic simulations are applied to investigate different coupler designs and to localize possible problems at an early stage. Cavity external Q and transverse kick can be calculated from 3D electromagnetic eigenmode solutions. The present coaxial-coaxial input couplers at the S-DALINAC are limited to power operation below 500 W under full reflection. In order to reach power operation up to 2 kW a realizations of a low-kick waveguide coupler for the S-DALINAC injector is presented, namely a twin-waveguide coupler.  