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Vinzenz, W.

Paper Title Page
MOP05 The HITRAP-Decelerator for Heavy Highly-Charged Ions 39
  • L. Dahl, W. Barth, T. Beier, W. Vinzenz
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • C. A. Kitegi, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  The GSI accelerator facility provides highly charged ions up to U92+ by stripping the ions at 400 MeV/u in the transfer line from the SIS18 (Heavy Ion Synchrotron) to the ESR (Experimental Storage Ring). The ESR provides high quality beams by means of stochastic cooling and electron cooling. Deceleration down to 4 MeV/u was already successfully demonstrated. After suitable rebunching, further deceleration down to 6 keV/u, neccessary for the capture of the ions by a penning trap, is done by IH/RFQ-structures. All cavities are operated at 108 MHz. Recently the HITRAP-project (Heavy Ion Trap), described in a Technical Design Report, was approved. The layout of the decelerator and the beam dynamics in different sections are reported.  
MOP09 Status of the 7 MeV/u, 217 MHz Injector Linac for the Heidelberg Cancer Therapy Facility 51
  • B. Schlitt, K. Dermati, G. Hutter, F. Klos, C. Mühle, W. Vinzenz, C. Will, O. Zurkan
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • A. Bechtold, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  • Y.R. Lu
    PKU/IHIP, Beijing
  A clinical synchrotron facility for cancer therapy using energetic proton and ion beams (C, He and O) is under construction and will be installed at the Radiologische Universitätsklinik in Heidelberg, Germany, starting in 2005. The status of the ECR ion source systems, the beam line components of the low energy beam transport lines, the 400 keV/u RFQ and the 20 MV IH-cavity as well as the linac rf system will be reported. Two prototype magnets of the linac quadrupole magnets have been built at GSI and have been tested successfully. A test bench for the 1.4 MW, 217 MHz cavity amplifier built by industry has been installed at GSI including a 120 kW driver amplifier which will be used also for high power tests of the RFQ. A test bench for the RFQ using proton beams is presently being set up at the IAP. RF tuning of the 1:2 scaled IH-DTL model as well as Microwave Studio simulations of the model and the power cavity have been also performed at the IAP [1].

[1] Y.Lu, S.Minaev, U.Ratzinger, B.Schlitt, R.Tiede, this conference.

MOP06 A Dedicated 70 MeV Proton Linac for the Antiproton Physics Program of the Future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at Darmstadt 42
  • L. Groening, W. Barth, L. Dahl, R. Hollinger, P. Spädtke, W. Vinzenz, S. Yaramishev
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • B. Hofmann, Z. Li, U. Ratzinger, A. Schempp, R. Tiede
    IAP, Frankfurt-am-Main
  The antiproton physics program of the future International Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt is based on a rate of 7·1010 cooled antiprotons per hour. To provide the primary proton intensities a proton linac is planned, which will be operated independently from the existing UNILAC for heavy ions. The proposed linac comprises a proton source, a RFQ, and a DTL. Its operation frequency of 352 MHz allows for an efficient acceleration to up to 70 MeV using normal conducting Crossed-bar H-cavities. These CH-cavities show high shunt impedances as known from IH-structures, but allow for much higher relative particle velocities of up to 40%. The beam pulses with a length of 25 μs, a current of 70 mA, and total transverse emittances of 7 μm will allow to fill the existing synchrotron SIS within one multi-turn-injection up to its space charge limit of 7·1012 protons. The maximum SIS ramping rate limits the applied proton linac repetition rate to 5 Hz. This paper gives an overview of the proposed proton linac. The status of the design including beam dynamic studies will be reported.  