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Verzilov, V.

Paper Title Page
TUP44 Linac Upgrades for FERMI@ELETTRA 366
  • G. D'Auria, R.J. Bakker, P. Craievich, G. De Ninno, S.D. Di Mitri, M. Ferianis, P.G. Pangon, R.L. Rumiz, T.L. Tosi, D. Zangrando
    Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Trieste
  • C. Bocchetta, M. Danailov, B. Diviacco, V. Verzilov
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Trieste
  To fulfill the stringent requirements expected from the FERMI project, the existing Linac needs some modifications in the layout and an upgrading of the present plants. Moreover, for the next two years, until the new injection system (now under construction) is fully commissioned, the Linac has to be kept in operation as injector for the ELETTRA Storage Ring. Therefore most of the planned activities have to be carried out without interfering with the normal operation of the machine. Details on the new Linac layout and related activities are discussed.