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Vasyuchenko, A.

Paper Title Page
THP65 Low-Power RF Tuning of the Spallation Neutron Source Warm LINAC Structures 760
  • C. Deibele, G. Johnson
    ORNL, Oak Ridge
  • J. Billen, N.K. Bultman, J. Stovall
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • J. Error, P. Gibson
    ORNL/SNS, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • J. Manolitsas, D. Trompetter
    ACCEL, Bergisch Gladbach
  • A. Vasyuchenko
    RAS/INR, Moscow
  • L. Young
    TechSource, Santa Fe, NM
  The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is an accelerator-based neutron source being built at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A conventional 402.5 MHz drift-tube linac (DTL) accelerates the beam from 2.5 to 86 MeV, and the 805 MHz coupled-cavity linac (CCL) continues acceleration to 186 MeV. Tuning the six DTL tanks involves adjusting post-coupler lengths and slug tuners to achieve the design resonant frequency and stabilized field distribution. A 2.5 MW klystron feeds RF power into each DTL tank through a ridge-loaded waveguide that does not perturb either the frequency or field distribution in the tank. The CCL consists of 4 RF modules operating in the βλ/2 mode. Each module contains 96 accelerating cavities in 12 segments of 8 cavities each, 11 active bridge coupler cavities, and 106 nominally unexcited coupling cavities. For each RF module, power from a single 5 MW klystron splits once and drives bridge couplers 3 and 9. We will discuss the special tools and measurement techniques developed for the low-power tuning activities.