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Togawa, K.

Paper Title Page
TU202 Low Emittance 500 kV Thermionic Electron Gun 261
  • K. Togawa, H. Baba, T. Inagaki, K. Onoe, T. Shintake, T. Tanaka
    RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
  • H. Matsumoto
    KEK, Ibaraki
  A 500 kV pulsed electron gun has been constructed for the injector system of the SASE-FEL project at SPring-8 (SCSS project). A CeB6 single crystal was chosen as a thermionic cathode, because of its excellent emission properties. We have succeeded in generating a 500 keV beam with 1 A peak current and 3 μs FWHM. The beam was very stable with low jitter. The beam emittance has been measured by means of double-slits method, and the normalized rms emittance of 1.1 π·mm·mrad has been obtained. We report on the experimental result on the emittance measurement of the CeB6 electron gun.  
THP23 An Electrode With Molybdenum-Cathode and Titanium-Anode to Minimize Field Emission Dark Currents 645
  • T. Nakanishi, F. Furuta, T. Gotou, M. Kuwahara, K. Naniwa, S. Okumi, M. Yamamoto, N. Yamamoto, K. Yasui
    DOP Nagoya, Nagoya
  • H. Matsumoto, M. Yoshioka
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • K. Togawa
    RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo
  A systematic study to minimize field emission dark currents from high voltage DC electrode has been continued. It is clearly demonstrated that much lower field emissions observed for Molybdenum (Mo) and Titanium (Ti) in comparison to Stainless-steel and Copper. Furthermore, by analyzing gap-length dependence data of the dark current from Mo and Ti, we can find a method to separate the primary field emission currents (FEC) from secondary induced currents (SIC). The latter currents will be created by possible bombardments of metal surface of anode or cathode by electrons or positive ions, respectively. From this data analysis, it is suggested that Mo is suitable for cathode due to its smallest FEC, and Ti is adequate for anode due to relatively small SIC. This prediction was confirmed by our experiment using a pair of Mo and Ti electrode, which showed the total dark current is suppressed below 1 nA at 105 MV/m applied for an area of 7 mm2 with a gap-length of 1.0 mm. Therefore this Mo-Ti electrode seems useful for a high field gradient DC gun, especially for a GaAs-photocathode gun using an NEA (Negative Electron Affinity) surface.