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Teplyakov, V.A.

Paper Title Page
TUP01 RFQ Drift-Tube Proton Linacs in IHEP 285
  • Yu. Budanov, O.K. Belyaev, S.V. Ivanov, A.P. Maltsev, I.G. Maltsev, V.B. Stepanov, S.A. Strekalovskyh, V.A. Teplyakov, V. Zenin
    IHEP Protvino, Protvino, Moscow Region
  A linac with drift tubes and RF quadrupoles (alias, an RFQ DTL) constitutes a natural extension of the RFQ concept towards higher beam energies. Complementing an RFQ with drift tubes intermitted by spacer electrodes separates functions of focusing and acceleration. Such a structure allows for an increased accelerating rate and upgrades shunt impedance to values competitive against those inherent in the other common accelerator types. Various accelerating/focusing structures for the RFQ DTLs were implemented in IHEP. Their succession is marked by a progress in performance, which is due to efforts in design, manufacturing technology and calculation technique advances that facilitated R&D of such the structures. A sound practical expertise in the field is accumulated. The 30 MeV RFQ DTL is in service as an injector for a 1.5 GeV PS of IHEP since 1985. An upgraded successor – the RFQ DTL, employing a cavity loaded by a novel accelerating/focusing structure with an increased accelerating rate, is now being assembled and tested. Its pre-commissioning results will be outlined. Prospects in R&D of a structure suitable for a front-end part of the CERN SPL will be evaluated.  