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Tanke, E.P.

Paper Title Page
TUP63 The First Results of Bunch Shape Measurements in SNS Linac 408
  • A. Feschenko, A. Gaidash, Yu. Kisselev, L.V. Kravchuk, A. Liyu, A. Menshov, A.N. Mirzojan
    RAS/INR, Moscow
  • S. Assadi, W. Blokland, S. Henderson, E.P. Tanke
    ORNL/SNS, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • D.-O. Jeon
    ORNL, Oak Ridge
  Three Bunch Shape Monitors with transverse scanning of low energy secondary electrons for the SNS Linac have been developed and fabricated. The peculiarity of the detectors is using of energy separation of the electrons. The separation enables to minimize influence of detached electrons originated from dissociation of H-minus ions in the detector wire target. The first detector was used at the exit of the first DTL tank during its commissioning. The results of Bunch Shape measurements are presented and discussed. These results were used to verify beam quality, to set parameters of the accelerating field, to estimate a longitudinal beam halo and to restore a longitudinal beam emittance.  