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Swenson, D.A.

Paper Title Page
TUP08 Carbon Ion Injector Linac for a Heavy Ion Medical Synchrotron 306
  • D.A. Swenson
    LLC, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  The design of a Carbon Ion Injector Linac for a heavy ion medical synchrotron will be presented. The linac is designed to accelerate quadruply-ionized carbon ions (12C4+) with a charge/mass ratio (q/A) of 0.333, and all other ions with the same or higher charge/mass ratios, such as H1+, H21+, D1+, T1+, 3He1+, 4He2+, 6Li2+, 10B4+, and 16O6+ to an output energy of 7 MeV/u. The 200 MHz linac consists of an Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac to accelerate the ions from an input energy of 0.008 MeV/u to an intermediate energy of 0.800 MeV/u, and an Rf-Focused Interdigital (RFI) linac to accelerate these ions to the output energy. The combined linac structures have a total length of 7.8 meters and a total peak rf power requirement of about 600 kW. The RFQ linac employs a radial-strut, four-bar design that is about twice as efficient as the conventional four-bar RFQ design. The RFI linac, which is basically an interdigital drift tube structure with rf quadrupole focusing incorporated into each drift tube, is about 5 times more efficient than the conventional Drift Tube Linac (DTL) structure. Details of the linac structures and their calculated performance will be presented.  
TUP14 Status of the RFI Linac Prototype 321
  • D.A. Swenson, W.J. Starling
    LLC, Albuquerque, New Mexico
  A prototype of the Rf Focused Interdigital (RFI) linac structure is currently under construction at Linac Systems. The RFI linac structure is basically an interdigital (or Wideröe) linac structure with rf quadrupole focusing incorporated into each drift tube. The 200 MHz RFI prototype, consisting of a short RFQ linac followed by a short RFI linac, will accelerate a 20 mA beam of protons from an injection energy of 25 keV to an output energy of 2.50 MeV in a total linac structure length of 1.44 meters. The linac structures are designed for continuous (cw) operation, and will be tested initially at a 33% duty factor. The peak structure power of 66 kW and peak beam power of 50 kW will be supplied by a 144 kW, 33% duty rf power system. A microwave ion source will supply the proton beam and an articulated Einzel lens will steer and focus the beam into the RFQ aperture. The mechanical design of the linac structures will be presented, the calculated performance will be described, the status of the components will be reported. The prototype is scheduled to come into operation in the fall of this year.