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Suzuki, .H.

Paper Title Page
THP56 Control of the Low Level RF System for J-Parc Linac 739
  • S. Michizono, S. Anami, E. Kadokura, S. Yamaguchi
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • E. Chishiro, T. Kobayashi, .H. Suzuki
    JAERI, Ibaraki-ken
  A low level RF (LLRF) system for J-Parc linac generates RF and clock signals, drives a klystron, and stabilizes accelerating fields in the cavities. The LLRF system is controlled by two units: a programmable logic controller (PLC) and a compact PCI (cPCI) controller. Functions of the PLC are ON/OFF and UP/DOWN controls, and STATUS and ANALOG monitors. The PLC is locally operated by a touch panel, and remotely operated by an EPICS IOC with Ethernet communication. The cPCI controller is for RF feedback and feed-forward controls, including a cavity tuner control, and then, locally and remotely operated by communication with the PLC. On the other hand, RF waveform data, which are stored in the memory of DSP and CPU boards in the cPCI, are directory transmitted to an EPICS OPI by a request from EPICS.