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Sun, Y.-E.

Paper Title Page
MOP47 Limiting Effects in the Round-To-Flat Beam Transformation 150
  • Y.-E. Sun, K.-J. Kim
    Chicago University, Chicago, Illinois
  • P. Piot
    FNAL, Batavia, Illinois
  The transformation of an angular-momentum-dominated beam into a flat beam was analyzed in Ref. [K.-J. Kim, Phys. rev. ST A&B, vol 6, 104002 (2003)]. The analysis was performed assuming that the beam and the transport channel upstream of the flat beam transformer are cylindrically symmetric and that the particle dynamics is symplectic. We extend the analysis to include chromatic and space-charge effects as well as asymmetries in the four dimensional transverse phase space distribution.  
TUP48 Progress Report on the Flat Beam Experiment at the Fermilab/Nicadd Photoinjector Laboratory 378
  • Y.-E. Sun, K.-J. Kim
    Chicago University, Chicago, Illinois
  • N. Barov
    Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
  • K. Desler
    DESY, Hamburg
  • H. Edwards, P. Piot, J. Santucci, J. Wennerberg
    FNAL, Batavia, Illinois
  • M. Huening
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
  • S. Lidia
    LBNL/AFR, Berkeley, California
  • R. Tikhoplav
    Rochester University, Rochester, New York
  We report on our present progress toward the investigation on the generation of flat beam from an incoming angular-momentum-dominated beam, along with the associated diagnostics development. We focus on the evolution of the four-dimensional beam matrix upstream and downstream of the round-to-flat beam transformer. Finally we compare our latest experimental results with numerical and analytical models.