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Stroth, J.

Paper Title Page
FR204 The Physics Perspectives at the Future Accelerator Facility FAIR 858
  • J. Stroth
    GSI, Darmstadt
  The physics perspective of the approved future international accelerator Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR) near Darmstadt, Germany will be outlined. The physics programme will comprise many body aspects of matter ranging from macroscopic system like highly correlated plasmas down to the properties of baryons and nuclear matter at high baryon densities. Through fragmentation of intense ion beams investigations with beams of short-lived radioactive nuclei far from stability will be possible. The addressed physics questions concern nuclear structure at the drip-lines, areas of astrophysics and nucleo-synthesis in supernovae and other stellar processes, as well as tests of fundamental symmetry. The structure of baryons and their limits of their existence is the interest of the two large experimental set-ups PANDA and CBM. Finally QED will be studied in extremely strong field effects and also the interaction of ions with matter. The future facility will feature a double-ring synchrotron SIS100/300 and a system of associated storage rings for beam collection, cooling, phase space optimisation and experimentation.  