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Steck, A. I.

Paper Title Page
TUP68 The LANSCE Low Momentum Beam Monitor 423
  • R. Merl
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • F. R. Gallegos, C. Pillai, S. Schaller, F. E. Shelley, A. I. Steck
    LANL/LANSCE, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • B. J. Sanchez
    ORNL/SNS, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  A diagnostic has been developed at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) for the purpose of identifying low momentum beam tails in the linear accelerator. These tails must be eliminated in order to maintain the transverse and longitudinal beam size. Instead of the currently used phosphor camera system, this instrument consists of a Multi Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) front end coupled to an EPICS compliant VME-based electronics package. Low momentum tails are detected with a resolution of 5 mm in the MWPC at a high dispersion point near a bending magnet. While phosphor is typically not sensitive in the nano amp range, the MWPC is sensitive down to about a pico amp. The electronics package processes the signals from each of the MWPC wires to generate an array of beam currents at each of the lower energies. The electronics has an analog front end with a high-speed analog to digital converter for each wire. Data from multiple wires are processed with an embedded digital signal processor and results placed in a set of VME registers. An EPICS application assembles the data from these VME registers into a display of beam current vs. beam energy (momentum) in the LANSCE control room.