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Smith, T.

Paper Title Page
THP48 A High-Resolution S-band Down-Converting Digital Phase Detector for SASE FEL Use 715
  • A.E. Grelick, N.D. Arnold
    ANL/APS, Argonne, Illinois
  • J. Carwardine, N. Dimonte, A. Nassiri, T. Smith
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois
  Each of the rf phase detectors in the Advanced Photon Source linac consists of a module that down converts from S-band to 20 MHz followed by an analog I/Q detector. Phase is calculated from one digitized sample per pulse each of I and Q. The resulting data has excellent long-term stability but is noisy enough so that a number of samples must be averaged to get a usable reading. The more recent requirement to support a SASE FEL has presented the need to accurately resolve the relative phase of a single pulse. Replacing analog detection with digital sampling and replacing internal intermediate frequency reference oscillators with a lower noise external oscillator were used to control the two largest components of noise. The implementation of a central, ultralow noise reference oscillator and a distribution system capable of maintaining the low phase noise is described, together with the results obtained to date. The principal remaining technical issue is determining the processing power required as a function of measurement channels per processor, measured pulse repetition rate, intrapulse data bandwidth, and digital filter characteristics. The options and tradeoffs involved and the present status are discussed.