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Skasyrskaya, A.K.

Paper Title Page
MOP77 Design Parameters of the Normal Conducting Booster Cavity for the PITZ-2 Test Stand 204
  • V.V. Paramonov, N.I. Brusova, A.I. Kvasha, A. Menshov, O.D. Pronin, A.K. Skasyrskaya, A.A. Stepanov
    RAS/INR, Moscow
  • A. Donat, M. Krasilnikov, A. Oppelt, F. Stephan
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen
  • K. Flöttmann
    DESY, Hamburg
  The normal conducting booster cavity is intended to increase the electron bunch energy in the Photo Injector Test (DESY, Zeuthen) stage 2 experiments. The normal conducting cavity is selected due to infrastructure particularities. The L-band cavity is designed to provide the accelerating gradient up to 14 MV/m with the total input RF power 8.6 MW, RF pulse length up to 900 mks and repetition rate 5 Hz. The multi-cell cavity is based on the CDS compensated accelerating structure with the improved coupling coefficient value. The main design ideas and decisions are described briefly together with cavity parameters - RF properties, cooling and pumping circuits.  
THP90 The Technique for the Numerical Tolerances Estimations in the Construction of Compensated Accelerating Structures 812
  • V.V. Paramonov, A.K. Skasyrskaya
    RAS/INR, Moscow
  The requirements to the cells manufacturing precision and tining in the multi-cells accelerating structures construction came from the required accelerating field uniformity, based on the beam dynamics demands. The standard deviation of the field distribution depends on accelerating and coupling modes frequencies deviations, stop-band width and coupling coefficient deviations. These deviations can be determined from 3D fields distribution for accelerating and coupling modes and the cells surface displacements. With modern software it can be done separately for every specified part of the cell surface. Finally, the cell surface displacements are defined from the cell dimensions deviations. This technique allows both to define qualitatively the critical regions and to optimize quantitatively the tolerances definition.