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Silari, M.

Paper Title Page
TUP04 The SPL Front End: A 3 MeV H- Test Stand at CERN 294
  • R. Garoby, L. Bruno, F. Caspers, J. Genest, K. Hanke, M. Hori, D. Kuchler, A.M. Lombardi, M. Magistris, A. Millich, M. Paoluzzi, C. Rossi, E.Zh. Sargsyan, M. Silari, T. Steiner, M. Vretenar
    CERN, Geneva
  • P.-Y. Beauvais
    CEA/DSM/DAPNIA, Gif-sur-Yvette
  In the frame of the SPL (Superconducting Proton Linac) study at CERN, a new 160 MeV proton injector for the CERN PS Booster is presently under development. This linear accelerator (Linac4) would not only be a first step towards a future, multi-MW superconducting linac, but would also improve in the medium term both the beam availability and beam quality for CERN’s proton users. Within the framework of the Linac 4 study and with the support of the EU funded Joint Research Activity HIPPI*, a 3 MeV test stand is under construction at CERN. This test stand will explore some of the most critical issues of the linac, such as the beam dynamics at low energy, with special emphasis on the Chopper line that has been designed to generate the required time structure of the beam, to clean the beam halo, and to match it to the subsequent RF structures. In this context, a new Beam Shape and Halo Monitor is under construction. The beam acceleration will be performed by an RFQ that is being developed in France within the IPHI collaboration between CEA and CNRS. Moreover, the test stand will be equipped with an additional 1 MW RF klystron to test different RF structures that are being designed at 352 MHz as preliminary studies for the Linac4.

*High Intensity Pulsed Proton Injectors
