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Shevtsov, V.F.

Paper Title Page
THP21 Calculation of Electron Beam Dynamics of the LUE-200 Accelerator 639
  • A.P. Sumbaev, V. Alexandrov, N.Y. Kazarinov, V.F. Shevtsov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region
  The results of calculations of the focusing and transportation systems of the electron beam of LUE-200 accelerator – the driver of a pulse source of resonant neutrons IREN, JINR (Dubna), are presented. Simulations of the beam dynamics in the traveling wave accelerator were carried out by means of PARMELA code. The calculations have been fulfilled for various parameters of the focusing magnetic fields in the accelerator and the channel, various currents of the beam and various initial distributions of electrons.