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Pichoff, N.

Paper Title Page
TUP15 Space Charge Compensation in Low Energy Proton Beams 324
  • A.B. Ismail, U.D. Uriot
    CEA/DSM/DAPNIA, Gif-sur-Yvette
  • R. Duperrier
    CEA/DAPNIA-SACM, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
  • N. Pichoff
    CEA/DAM, Bruyères-le-Châtel
  High power accelerators are being studied for several projects including accelerator driven neutron or neutrino sources. The low energy part of these facilities has to be carefully optimized to match the beam requirements of the higher energy parts. In this low energy part, the space charge self force, induced by a high intensity beam, has to be carefully managed. This nonlinear force can generate a high irreversible emittance growth of the beam. To reduce space charge effects, neutralization of the beam charge can be done by capturing some particles of the ionised residual gas in the vacuum chamber. This space charge compensation (SCC) regime complicates the dynamic study. Modelling the beam behaviour in such regime would be a significant contribution to the development of high intensity accelerators. Numerical and experimental study of SCC is in progress on the Saclay High Intensity Proton Injector. Experimental measurements and 2D/3D simulations of proton beam SCC will be presented.  
TUP59 Extraction of High Charge Electron Bunch from the ELSA RF Injector - Comparison Between Simulation and Experiment 402
  • J. Lemaire, P. Balleyguier, A. Binet, J.M. Lagniel, V. Le Flanchec, N. Pichoff
    CEA/DAM, Bruyères-le-Châtel
  • R. Bailly-Salins, M. Millerioux, Chr. Quine
    CEA/DIF/DPTA/SP2A, Bruyeres-le-Chatel
  A new scheme based on a photoinjector and a RF linear accelerator operating at 352 MHz has been recently proposed as a versatile radiographic facility. Beam pulses of 60 ns duration contain 20 succesive electron bunches which will be extracted at 2.5 MeV from a photoinjector then accelerated through the next structure to the final energy of 51 MeV. Bunches carrying 100 nC are required for this purpose. As a first demonstrating step, 50 nC electron bunches have been produced and accelerated to 2.5 MeV with the 144 MHz ELSA photoinjector at Bruyères le Chatel. For this experiment, we compare the results and the numerical simulations made with PARMELA, MAGIC and MAFIA codes.  
THP26 Comparison of 2 Cathode Geometries for High Current (2 kA) Diodes 654
  • N. Pichoff
    CEA/DAM, Bruyères-le-Châtel
  • F. Bombardier, M. Caron, E. Merle, C. Noël, O. Pierret, R. Rosol, C. Vermare
    CEA, Pontfaverger-Moronvilliers
  • D.C. Moir
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico
  • A. Piquemal
    CEA/PTN, Bruyères-le-Châtel
  AIRIX (FRANCE) and DARHT axis-1 (USA) are two high current accelerators designed for flash X-ray radiography. The electron beam produced (2 kA, 3.5 to 3.8 MV, 60 ns) is extracted from a velvet cold cathode. Specific calculations have demonstrated the influence of the cathode geometry on the emitted beam profile [1]. To check this assumption we have made two different experiments (DARHT March 2003 – AIRIX March 2004). We have compared the beam characteristics with two different geometries both theoretically and experimentally. The beam simulations have been done with 3 codes: a home-made code (M2V) and 2 commercial codes (PBGUNS and MAGIC). The extracted beam current and transverse profiles, for the first experiment, have been measured and compared to simulations results. In the second one, we have compared the beam’s extracted current and the energy spread.

[1] E. Merle et al., "Efforts to Improve Intense Linear Induction Accelerator (LIA) Sources for Flash Radiography",Proceedings of the LINAC2002 conference. August 19-23, 2002 Gyeongju, Korea.