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Olry, G.

Paper Title Page
TUP96 Mechanical Stability Simulations on a Quarter Wave Resonator for the SPIRAL II Project 504
  • H. Saugnac, J.-L. Biarrotte, S. Blivet, S. Bousson, M. Fouaidy, T. Junquera, G. Olry
    IPN, Orsay
  In the framework of the SPIRAL II project, IPN Orsay is studying a 88 MHz β=0.12 super conducting quarter wave resonator prototype. Due to its low RF bandwidth (around 60 Hz) the resonator must have a very high mechanical stability and have small sensitivity to dynamic mechanical loads. To simulate the effects of geometrical deformations on the fundamental RF frequency a three dimensional analysis is required. The simulations were made by coupling mechanical FEM analysis performed in COSMOS/GEOSTAR™ with the RF electromagnetic FEM code MICAV™ integrated in the COSMOS/GEOSTAR™ interface. Static mechanical loads were first studied to reduce the effects of external pressure on the RF frequency shift and evaluate the tuning sensitivity of the cavity. Then, simulations on the dynamic response of the resonator, using the modal superposition analysis method, with random external pressure variations and harmonic excitation of the cavity were performed. This paper presents the results of the simulations and mechanical solutions chosen to increase the cavity RF frequency stability.